• one more test…just to be sure

    There are a couple of guys that I will need to send a box of homeade cookies to if this goes through again. For those of you that have blog rolls on your actual blogs…is my blog updating there too?

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  • please please please work

    This is just a test to see if Google Reader is actually working on my blog again or if it is another freak one time thing. If it works…there will be happy dancing happening around here…

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  • quieter on the home front

    Back in the day I was a gymnast. My little guy is in preschool where they do gymnastics an hour a day. It is awesome. I haven’t seen him so excited about something not related to his big brother or Legos in a long time.…

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  • goofy grin & driving lessons

    Losing teeth…a new phenomenon in this house. Biggest Brother has always had a really cute smile. When the bottom teeth came out it was cute. Now he is missing one big front tooth. Cute, but now more the really goofy looking cute. I want to…

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