quieter on the home front
Back in the day I was a gymnast. My little guy is in preschool where they do gymnastics an hour a day. It is awesome. I haven’t seen him so excited about something not related to his big brother or Legos in a long time. The hardest part about him going to preschool at a gym is it makes me want to get out on that tumbling tramp so bad. We are new there, so I am thinking I’ll spend the next few months trying to win over the owners so that maybe they will let me play on the equipment one day. Going to have to work on my plan for that.
It is odd having two boys gone and the younger two old enough to play and run around. I remember when the older boys were 1 & 3. It seemed impossible to run in and out of places. It was hard work. Funny how perspective changes. Now when I just have a 1 & 2 year old around I feel like I can do anything – even pop in and out of stores. It also means I now have a chunk of time to be alone during naps. It’s nice.
The first day of preschool it rained. I sat on the front porch and enjoyed myself during naptime. The Craft Hope book recently came out. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. It is even better than I expected (and I had high expectations). So many ideas. So many resources. I HIGHLY, HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT.
I also transferred everything from my 2010 MomAgenda to my new 2011 one. Littlest Brother decided to draw throughout my 2010 one, so that was annoying. MomAgendas go from August to Decemeber of the following year. There is a daily section for each kid and a spot on each day to record your dinner menu. I’ve been using them for a couple of years now. I like actually writing in something verses everything digital.
FireCracker woke up, but entertained herself while I took a pencil to my living room walls.
While I was drawing I thought she was playing with a toy. I looked down to find this. It cracked me up.
She loves pulling out all my magazines, but this time she made herself comfortable on pillows left out by her brothers.
Like throwing magazines, she enjoys tossing her cup. I don’t enjoy that game.
Littlest Brother is an independent guy. I almost have to force him to play with my when his brothers are gone.
I like him. A lot.