I’m a member of the composting fan club
Like a rushing wind a new favorite thing entered my life this year…composting. Talk about the ultimate trash to treasure. “Black gold” so it is called…the stuff that is a result of composting. I try to compost every thing that I can. There are tons of great websites for composting tips. I have a recipe card in my kitchen listing all the random things that can be composted. Biggest Brother shares my composting addiction. There is an odd amount of joy I find in turning my trash into power food for my garden and flower beds. I’m still learning. We started small with a plastic bin, next year I am going BIG.
I rarely buy chips but this bag was screaming at me…“I am 100% compostable. You need to buy me and watch me disappear. We’ll have a great time together!”
I couldn’t say ‘no’.
I was totally intrigued by the idea that this LOUD regular looking bag would decompose in my compost bin.
He didn’t understand why I was taking pictures of a bag.
His big brother on the other hand was as baffled as I was when he started reading the bag. He is my composting companion.
So we are only on week one. Maybe I’ll give you pictorial updates on my composting Sun Chips bag…I’ll probably forget. My grandpa, the ultimate gardener, swears by composting. If you are a gardener and haven’t started composting you should. If you are an avid composter I would love any pointers!
If you want some gardening inspiration you should check out what is going on at the Inadvertent Farmer’s Kinder Gardens…look at the blogroll on the right column of this link. Crazy creative kid garden stuff!