Day at the park {my boys}

While Nana kept Littlest I got to spend an afternoon exploring Ray Harrell Nature Park with the older boys. It is strange how much older Big Brother seems now that Littlest Brotherx is here. It was fun to go an adventure with the two of them. I do admit the reasoning behind hiking around with those two is I knew Chris wouldn’t be home to help with bedtime so I was extra motivated to wear them out!

The trail mix of champions – mini bags of M&Ms

Pouting because his brother is “too fast”

He looks so big in this picture to me

Nothing says “fun” like having dry grass thrown in your face.

Pouting again…this time because mommy wouldn’t carry him. Instead she is taking his picture. Priorities.

Man do I love these two.

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BA Tigers {class of 98}

October 7, 2008

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my boy

October 20, 2008