My Book

On June 7, 2022, our family set out on a year long adventure around the globe – returning home on June 7, 2023. As a way for me to process our experiences, I set a goal to write a book before the end of 2023. In between the normal routines and demands of a large family, I carved out moments for writing and completed my rough draft hours before the clock struck midnight welcoming 2024. I wrote with my future grandkids in mind. I wanted to give them a collection of stories, lessons learned, and things I pondered as I traveled the world with their parents, aunts, and uncles. It is things I want them to know about the world – how it is full of good, good people. It’s about how bougainvillea sways in the wind from Morocco to Vietnam, how Albanian bus drivers look out for everyone, and how basketball is like a religion in the Philippines. It’s about how people see the beauty in others, share meals with strangers, and aren’t scared to open their homes and hearts. It’s stories of vibrant markets, sticky tables, and questionable decisions on their grandparents’ (and parents’) part. I want my grandkids to see the world beyond the headlines, so I put it into words for them.

Shortly after finishing my rough draft, I was contacted by a publisher and before I knew it a publishing contract was signed. I spent the next four months editing, combing through photos, and dreaming about the cover. I had no idea how long the publication process takes and am sharing steps along the way on Instagram. There are numerous steps ahead, but I’m here for the journey!

“I’ve Never Been Here Before” tentatively launches in August 2025 with Harvest House Publishers!