Get a pair, give a pair {PAIR Eyewear}

I have lists upon lists of things I want look into, changes I want to make, stuff that needs figuring out, and so on. Getting into the doctor for eye exams for all of us is high on my list and yet here I am blogging about it instead of calling and taking care of it…I really don’t have a good excuse one of my closest friend’s husband is an optometrist! I’ll get those appointments made – you can check back and hold me to it!

Currently there are three of us that wear glasses. Hudson and Chris both have actual prescriptions. I picked up a pair of reading glasses at an office supply store when I turned 40!

Recently PAIR Eyewear reached out to me and shared a bit about their mission and products. For every pair of glasses that is purchased, PAIR partners with The Eyelliance to provide glasses to children in the developing world with poor vision.

While only Hudson needed prescription glasses, PAIR sent my other kids glasses with Non-Rx Blue Light lenses and tops of their choice.

A super fun aspect of PAIR Eyewear is that each base comes with the option to add fun interchangeable tops – they attach with small magnets on the base corners. Sunglasses are also available.

Each pair of glasses comes with a case that holds the glasses and any of the additional tops you add. The tops slide into the front of the case and the glasses in the main compartment.

As a mom I love not only the mission and heart of the company, but the options to customize the glasses is a huge plus. My kids love to change things up and when it comes to prescription glasses that can get expensive quick. You can find more details about PAIR using the links below…as well take advantage of the discount code!

For 20% off, use the code: UnderTheSycamore

You can find PAIR Eyewear in the following places:

Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

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December 7, 2020

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slowing down...

December 21, 2020