DIY {Round Tray – woodburning}
Here’s a quick tutorial on creating a custom wood tray using a wood burning technique…I first saw this idea on Design*Sponge
Step 1: Find your unfinished wood tray. Mine is from IKEA, but they have all kinds of shapes and sizes as craft stores (Hobby Lobby, Micheals)
Step 2: Draw on your design. I decided on my design one evening when I noticed shadows on my try from a nearby flower. I just traced the shadows. You could free hand yours or trace something.
Step 3. Begin burning the design. Since my design wasn’t too exact I started by just burning large areas without detail.
My son was enamored by the process….
You might have some burnt flecs…
I used the wide end of the tool first then went back with a fine tip to burn out more detail. You can also seal with a clearcoat if you’d like.