Explore SD {Mount Rushmore}

So…..we are home. I’ll post more about that tomorrow, but I wanted to add this post for my future reference. Our final stop on the trip was Mount Rushmore…it felt like a perfect ending to an American roadtrip.

Mount Rushmore.

I was super excited to get to visit Mount Rushmore. The kids and I have been learning bits about the presidents and we’ve watched a few documentaries on the creation of Rushmore. Seeing those films before our visit made standing in front of it even more incredible. We visited on the same day our trailer broke, so we were chasing light to get there before darkness fell. There were a few hours when we we didn’t think we were going to make it. The disappointment on the boys’ faces broke my heart. Thankfully, we made it just in time.
7.14rushmore-1I’ve been taking “happy jumping” shots at national parks and forests with my phone. I snapped this one with my phone of all kids jumping, but the low light meant a blurry picture:


I wanted to try again with my dslr. Better pictures, but I didn’t get them all in the air. (a dslr is so much better in low light!)7.14rushmore-2

1 out of 57.14rushmore-3

4 out of 57.14rushmore-4

1 out of 57.14rushmore-5

Win some, you lose some. And we kept on walking.7.14rushmore-67.14rushmore-77.14rushmore-87.14rushmore-10

Edited to add: There is a trail that goes behind the main viewing area, that trail gives you so many more closer and better views. Just wanted to mention it in case any of you visit. We went on the trail as the light show began and we had the whole area completely to ourselves. We also were able to get great, closer shots of the monument when it got dark.7.14rushmore-11As we were leaving, the older boys commented on how they would never forget that night. I had read a few online comments from people disappointed with Mount Rushmore. I couldn’t disagree with their comments more. Sure, there were lots of people there (we went 4th of July weekend!), but it was so incredible. To have even a glimpse of understanding on what was required to create the monument and then see it in person – awesome. I told the boys to really soak it up because we may not make it back. They responded that we have to visit again when the girls are older and understand it better. They are probably right.

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Explore WY {Big Horn Mountains}

July 7, 2014

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home. and our garden grew!

July 9, 2014