Hope Spoken 2015
So…I’m speaking at Hope Spoken next year. Just writing that sentence makes me want to hide under the blanket I am sitting on. I am not sure why I said “yes.” I think they must have asked me when I wasn’t fully awake or something along those lines. It didn’t really seem real until I attended this year and they announced next year’s speakers.
I brought the flyer home to show my kids….nothing like the response of kids to bring humor to something that was feeling a little too serious.
She was studying all the hair and letting me know whose was her favorite. Jodi Mockabee won because hers was the longest.
Then I showed the boys. They immediately began coming up with scenarios for why I was looking at Jen Hatmaker. Then they began dissecting everyone’s names and creating pretend jobs for us. Jen, obviously, made hats. Casey liked to ride roller coasters “WEEE-gand” and Jodi, well with a fabulous name like Mockabee, won again. She had the coolest professions.My 8 year old is all about adding his own illustrations to photos these days…I told him he could only draw on my face…
I am thinking I will be bringing the boys with me. They can sit on the front row and provide the humor that I can’t. Yep, they are going to have to come.
Tickets for next year’s Hope Spoken go on sale tonight. I am guessing they will sell out fairly quickly, so just keep that in mind.
You can find more details on the Hope Spoken website