the smoking gun…or not

For Christmas, my dad gave me Lithium battery drill and saw. I’ve used battery operated drills before and get frustrated by their lack of extended power. My new saw and drill…pretty awesome. I used the saw to cut boards for our ‘fake kitchen‘. I use the drill all the time. Sometimes I just walk around the house looking for things that need tightened or attached with screws. Not really. Maybe.

In my recent quest for total order…also known as “Operational Organize This Home So I Can Gain Some Sanity”…I decided to install bookcases. Turns out despite our many trips to the library, we are still acquiring a lot of books homeschooling. My oldest daughter is pretty much always by my side. Whatever I’m doing, she wants to help. So I put her to work and we constructed a bunch of bookcases.

Oh yea, she’s going to be wandering the house looking for things to tighten and attach soon too.1.14drill-31.14drill-51.14drill-61.14drill-71.14drill-9

I also taught her the random power tool pose I tend to do when I get a new tool and am excited. We need to work on the part where she acts like it is a smoking gun. Why am I so weird? On a different note – how crazy to see that old picture of the garden boxes?! I seems like so long ago that we built those…and that I had short hair that looked cute in a cap.


I cherish that she wants to help me. Sure, there are times that I might get it done faster, but half the joy in creating & building is in the process. I would rather have her or her siblings come alongside me in the process than just rush to the end result. Plus…she’s awfully cute with a drill.

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a fish named Ike

January 9, 2014

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Smoothies...spoons...straws...someday solids

January 14, 2014