smoothie on a spoon

There is a lot of clapping and cheering happening in our house these days.

Our youngest daughter started using a spoon!

I know that sounds like not a big deal to many. For most, seeing a 2 1/2 year old eat from a spoon is a very normal and expected sight. But in our home it is a massive milestone. After years of being terrified of anything other than her bottle – our girl bravely tackled the spoon last week. She has had to overcome some huge hurdles and deep seeded fears to being able to take a bite of her smoothie from a spoon. And she did it. Not only has she taken a bite, she has fed herself several bites. We are so proud of her. Her sister and brothers are so proud of her. She is so proud of herself.

The beauty of finally seeing her eat from something other than a bottle brought Chris and I both to tears. Not much compares to seeing your child accomplish something that on hard and long days felt out of reach. Smoothie on a spoon today…stealing food from my plate tomorrow!

I love the pride on Little One’s face and the sheer excitement on FireCracker’s. Our whole family is feeling the joy of this milestone!

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