I’m making a mess

There are seven people in my family. Usually the kids make the biggest mess.

These days, I’m the guilty party.

For several years I have had the opportunity to be a part of a women’s event at my church called A Christmas Gathering. I can never explain it very well…it is a huge event with several seminars about fun topics related to Christmas. I’ll post pictures in a few weeks and it will make more sense. I’m really not sure how I’m convinced to do it. A stage. Thousands of women. I’m nervous from the moment I say ‘yes’. Last week we did a mini version in Moore, Oklahoma for residents and teachers from the elementary schools hit by last spring’s tornadoes. It was two days after my grandpa’s funeral and I was a disorganized mess. I hope the women attending were able to make some sense of what I said! Next week is the big event and I am trying to squeeze preparation in between homeschooling four kids and teaching both SnapShop courses. It is crazy town and crazy messy here. At least the mess is prettier to look at than Legos!

11.14-111.14-211.14-411.14-611.14-711.14-911.14-1011.14-1211.14-14I’m going to be hunkering down in all this goodness this weekend. It is so cold here (by my standards). The cold weather and crafting means my coffee intake has increased! The event is next Thursday and Friday, so I’ll post more about what I am presenting in about a week!

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sometimes she likes to share

November 13, 2013

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smoothie on a spoon

November 18, 2013