Adickes Sculpturworx Studio

President Campbell

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A little while back I saw an image of Adickes SculpturWorx Studio on Instagram. It intrigued me. Since we were headed to Houston, I thought if it was on the way we’d have to stop by to check it out. My oldest reads history textbooks for fun. He is always telling me random historical facts, so I knew this would be right up his alley.

A little google map search, over a train track, behind a warehouse and right next door to a Target parking lot – we arrived.


Chris looked over at me, “This is one of the most random places we have ever been.” So true. And we’ve been to a lot of random.


A big lot full of Presidents and The Beatles. They were created by artist David Adickes and just line the lot now. It isn’t a park or studio with an admission fee. Literally, you pull up, park and walk around the lot full of sculptures. There is a studio across from the sculptures, but it was closed when we were there so I am not sure what is inside it.10.30-3

His favorite biography is about Lincoln – I’m pretty sure he thought the enormous Lincoln head was awesome to see.


We tried naming as many presidents as we could. I’m pretty sure the kids knew more than the parents.


If you are driving through the Houston area, it is a really cool place to stop. The kids are still talking about the sculptures and exploring there.



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