can you hear her screaming?
FireCracker stopped in a Pottery Barn Kids with me a few weeks ago. As we entered, their little play kitchens greeted us. My girl exclaimed and declared, “How beautiful!”, “I love it!”, “Mommy, look at this little sink!”, “Best Day EVER!!”. She instantly drew a crowd of what I am guessing was grandma’s shopping for granddaughters. They looked on as she dramatically declared her love for the little kitchen set. I, however, was not a fan of the price tag for all the pieces.
We left the store and she wouldn’t stop talking about the kitchen.
Later that night at my grandpa’s house, my sister showed me a picture on her phone of a little kitchen set she had wanted to buy from a local vintage store, but space was an issue. It was perfect. Thankfully, my sister supported me ‘stealing’ it from her (Les, I’ll pass it on when you have room!).
The girls found a note under the Christmas tree that a present was waiting for them in the studio…
Notice she hasn’t even opened it yet, nor does she have any idea what it was – she was just that excited about a big present.
Her big brothers were as excited as I was to watch her open it. Her dramatic flair sure makes this house more fun.
And one so you can see the kitchen in color….
Little One just likes opening and shutting the doors…I see lots more cooking in my future.