Egypt {a few pics from Chris’ trip}
Chris got some really great pictures while he was in Egypt, so I thought I’d share a few here. I am guessing a lot of you reading this have not been to Egypt and there is a good chance you won’t be visiting anytime soon…so enjoy this glimpse.
Thought I’d start with my boy’s favorite picture
A cemetery…burial takes place above ground. For many places there are tombs downstairs and living quarters upstairs.
Hand-carved pews….incredible craftmanship
If I lived here, my balconey would be painted a bright color too!
The view from our friends’ apartment at 1:00am…
Nut shop (they sell nuts). Evidently at first these guys weren’t too happy with Chris photographing them, but you can tell they warmed up to him.
You know me…a sucker for a group shot of cute little boys. Chris made their day by getting them a new soccer ball.
Garbage City. For many of the country’s poorest they make a livelihood by collecting and sorting trash.
Another view of the garbage city. In recent years many Christians have begun work to build homes in the area
to help move those living in the area out of the trash and poverty.
This is inside the garbage city. The women are taking old clothing that has been discarded and transforming them into blankets to sell.
How fun does this look?
Closer view of garbage city…at one time many lived in these areas, some still might but most are used for sorting different waste.
This cracks me up. It makes me think of what my daughter might be like. A princess dress in the middle of dirt.
My guy. Have I mentioned how jealous I am that he got to go without me? Next time we’re all going.
We took Biggest Brother to China when he was 18 months old, he has the cutest passport picture.
Chris’ friends riding ahead of him
Sunset on the Nile. They were on a sailboat on this evening and his friends convinced him to call me – thinking I would think it is romantic that he was thinking of me while on the Nile. I missed the call, but listened to the message when I was driving home with a car full of tired, fussy boys. It was not romantic. Had the opposite effect at the time, but I am over it now 🙂 Like I said, next time I am going too.