a tornado until she crashes
Each day I take one photo on Instagram of something I am thankful for in my life.
I’ve learned a couple of things on Instagram.
- Everyone on Instagram eats much more beautiful food than I do.
- There is some kind of meaning to hashtags that I still don’t get. Maybe I’m too old. Or too country.
- My sister likes donuts and donut shaped food even more than I thought.
- I evidently am very thankful for when my daughter sleeps.
I’ve noticed a trend that I gravitate towards celebrating when my daughter is asleep. FireCracker never stops…moving, singing, dancing, talking, talking REALLY loud. She is constant motion…like that little tornado in cartoons. Except for when she crashes. The girl does not need a bed or anything soft. In the middle of motion she can fall asleep. Anywhere. Anytime. Other than her own very cute bed at bedtime.
Looking at recent random moments of her crashing, made me think about why she is so easy going in regards to being able to sleep anywhere. I’m pretty sure it has something to do with being the youngest in an active family…she kind of had to just learn to sleep wherever. So very different from the obsessive schedule following that was a part of her oldest brothers early years.
(don’t worry, she was in the shade and only uncovered long enough for a photo)
I forget how he was really just a baby when he became a big brother. They are a little over 15 months apart.
She has the cutest bed in the house. She’s only slept in it a handful of times. But she sure does get a lot of sleep.
Have I mentioned she sleeps in her brothers’ room? Yep, on a pallet on the floor because another bed can’t be squeezed in there. She tells me she’ll sleep in her room when her little sister is here to share it with….