The two things that keep me consistent with exercise

This is the time of year that many begin making goals and resolutions for the coming year. For a large number of people those goals are often related to getting healthy and exercising more. Obviously with being in a pandemic, going somewhere to work out is not on option for many. However, I’m guessing that will change during the course of 2021. If that is the case, I thought I’d share the two biggest factors that have helped me be consistent with exercise –  these are my two, yours might be the same or totally different!

I’ve tried a variety of different exercising programs over the years – step classes, aerobics, yoga, Zumba, swimming, running, etc. I didn’t stick longer than a year or two with any of them because ultimately I didn’t love them enough to keep it longterm and I didn’t have a reason to stick around (community). This month I begin my 7th year at CrossFit 51. That is basically 6 years of going M-F…..way different than trying something for a bit and moving on.

As I think about what has made the difference it comes down to two things: I like it and I have community.

Find what you enjoy

Crossfit is absolutely not for everyone, but it was a perfect fit for me because it is so varied – cardio, weightlifting, & gymnastics. In 6 years I’ve only done a handful of workouts more than once. Every day is different and all I have to do is show up – no planning on my part. I don’t like repetitive stuff and I do really like pushing myself. Though I don’t lift crazy heavy weight, I am a fan of lifting weights and an even bigger fan of the overall health benefits. Handstands in a workout? Count me in. If you can find something you really enjoy (even it you are dying in the middle of the workout, but you leave happy you went), chances are you will stick with it. Sometimes it takes trying a lot to find the best fit.


Some people do really well working out on their own – I don’t. I don’t like big box gyms where I don’t know anyone, but I do like small environments where true friendships are formed. When a group of people show up at the same time everyday for years – its pretty cool. It is a lot harder to skip days when you have people saying, “Hey where have you been? We missed you.” It is also a lot harder to skip days when you have people you look forward to seeing each morning. And shared suffering/soreness is a quick connector!

Over time I’ve invited so many of my friends to join me in the mornings. Being a parent and having time to pour into friendships can be such a challenge. If you can find a place where you see the same people every day – friendships are born in that and who wouldn’t want to see their friends every day?! One thing I also really love about my morning friends is that we come from all walks of life – so much diversity, which I believe is a very, very good thing! Those are my thoughts regarding what has helped me be the most successful regarding consistency with exercise.

My time at the gym in the morning is not just beneficial to my physical health, it is paramount to my emotional and mental health as well. I can guarantee if I asked everyone in my morning class – they’d all say the same thing.

If you are in a season (which most are) where you can’t go somewhere to work out, I’d encourage you to find ways to get moving with those in your home. Grab your kids, your roommate, your neighbor, or your spouse. If you feel like you just can’t fit it in an already busy schedule, I challenge you to look at the screen time on your phone and then consider if you have 15 minutes each day to spare for moving your body! That totally sounds like the mom coming out in me – I’m rooting for you and your crew!

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