they surprised me {1776 WOD}

For most holidays our Crossfit does a special workout. Regular classes are cancelled and everyone comes together to do something special. In the Crossfit world the holiday workouts are often “Hero WODs” (Hero Workout of the Day). The workout is designed in remembrance and honor of a first responder or member of the military that died in the line of duty.

On other holidays, the workout has a fun theme – like 12 movements performed like the 12 days of Christmas. On the Fourth of July, many Crossfit gyms do a workout called “1776”. It is designed to be done as a team of 3 with 12 different movements. Once complete, the team has performed 1776 reps. I signed up with two good friends this year. There were still spots open for the heat we were going in, so I signed up the rest of my crew.

The boys were a team of 3. Chris and the girls were a team of 3. It took on average 1-1.5 hours for most teams to complete the workout. I knew the boys would have no problem, but the girls…I wasn’t so sure.

I told Chris to have the girls cut the number of reps they were going to do if they started getting too tired. Their normal Crossfit Kids workouts are 12 minutes, so over an hour was going to be really long.

20 mins in – they were going strong.

40 mins in – still going, very sweaty, but smiling.

1 hour in – still pushing hard.

It took them 90 mins of chipping away one rep at a time and they did it all!! I’m pretty sure I wasn’t the only one at the gym blown away by these tiny, but mighty girls. IT WAS AWESOME.

We all gathered around them as they finished the final handstand push-ups. Chris pulled them in for a celebratory hug – but he was so sweaty the girls tried squirming away…


In a team of 3, for time

Kettlebell Swings
Box Jumps
Air squats
Row (calories)
Double Unders
Dumbbell Snatches
Handstand Push-ups

Team must complete a total of 1776 reps & must complete 148 reps at each movement. Teams must start from the top and work down the list of movements in order. 

I tend to have super high expectations for those around me. I feel like for the most part I believe they can do far more than they think they can. I have a really hard time letting those I love settle for less than I believe they are capable of and I pretty much always see potential over current reality. It is not very often I am surprised to see people exceed my expectations – only because my expectations are always so high for them. All that to say – watching my girls push for an hour and half to finish a workout that adults around them were struggling to finish too – it was super cool. And bummer for them – I’ll never give them the option to cut reps because they are small again 😉

If you are ever interested – I share regularly about our fitness/wellness stuff over on @sycamorewell


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creative summer fun for kids {and you}

June 27, 2019

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an origami party {littlest is 8}

July 10, 2019