Going for it

I looked out the window and saw him talking to himself on the trampoline. I couldn’t figure out what he was doing and then all the sudden he started jumping and just went for it – his first back flip! I gasped in shock. Evidently, he was psyching himself up, telling himself he could do it, and deciding to go all in.

I walked outside with a big smile and my camera. “Hey mom! That’s one thing to check off my 2019 goals list!”

My kids teach me so much each and every day. There are countless things I can decide not to try because I can create a list of all the reasons it won’t work. I tend to want to only try things if I know I will not just succeed, but will do whatever it is awesome as well.

Several years ago I was working hard towards getting a ring muscle-up at Crossfit. One Saturday I found myself doing the Crossfit Open, and attempting to get my first one after working towards it for a few months. There was a good amount of people watching me try, fail, try, fail. I was inches from getting one and my arms just could not push anymore. I dropped from the rings to the ground feeling totally defeated. I left that day beat up (pic was from the following day), but my pride hurt the most…it was so embarrassing.

I ended up not trying again – for years.

Though I got my muscle up on the bar shortly after, I avoided even looking at the rings. Recently my kids called me out on it. Ouch. So, I’m back at it…failing with every try. I turn 40 in October, just maybe it will be my birthday gift to myself…over the hill and over the rings.

Shout out to those of you failing hard over and over, but still getting back up to try again. I am so inspired by you! I have a couple kids that turn failure into momentum to keep pushing forward. It is always incredible to me to watch them and to learn from them.

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Sugar Cookies with Kids {The Interior Collective}

February 14, 2019

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my reed & lily pad {The Little Mermaid Jr.}

March 11, 2019