well rested and back
Well, I did not mean to take that long of a break from blogging! I always take the two weeks off around Christmas/New Year, but it went a little longer this time. I’ve missed this space!
I’d like to say I didn’t post because I was so busy working on getting the house closer to being finished, but really I was just in total vacation mode. We spent the last few weeks doing a lot of nothing together…its been pretty awesome after working so hard every weekend and weeknight the past year. We all just kind of crashed the weekend before Christmas and are finally coming out of it!
The kitchen is getting closer to being done. Just a few final things. The girls, especially my eldest daughter, have been baking pretty much everyday.
Every other year we meet Chris’ extended family in Branson for Christmas. Our first couple of years of marriage it was a little hard for me to embrace not being in my house on Christmas morning (and especially when we started having kids), but being with his family was far more important to me then and now. I know this season is short as grandkids grow and get married. Our time all together is harder and harder to make happen each passing year. What an incredible gift it is to spend Christmas with family we love – the location isn’t such a big deal anymore. My kids Christmas mornings look different every other year and that has some pretty amazing perks!
We all stay in a time share together and there is an indoor pool on site. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day the pool is typically empty – except for the the Campbell crew!There is also a basketball court, where I am told Chris and Micheal get far too competitive and aggressive with each other. My rule is if you choose to play too aggressive and get hurt, you can’t complain to me. Can you tell compassion is one of my stronger attributes?
I also had the chance to take engagement pictures for my niece while we were there. Weird. My niece is getting married. She will be the first of the grandkids on Chris’ side to get married. We are all super excited for the both of them. I did remind them they still had time to hire an actual wedding photographer instead of one that mainly takes random pictures of her kids. They didn’t take me up on that. Looks like I’ll be shooting a wedding in the spring!
After Christmas in Branson, we came home to celebrate with my family a few days later. I didn’t take many pictures this year. I think the massive amounts of extra sleep I was getting kind of left me in a semi-non-functioning mode. Not complaining, but I am extremely well rested! I kind of feel like my little niece in the photo below…a bit dazed.
I gifted my sister’s family a Tiny Hands game. I wish I had kept if for my crew now. I’ll just borrow it sometime and forget to give it back. Like her cowboy boots I kept for a few years. It is what sisters do.
We are now back into our routine at home. Back to baking. Back to sanding and caulking and painting….and not getting massive amounts of extra sleep. Its good to be back.
(She gave her brother instructions regarding how to make the sugar cookies and he started doing it his own way. I happened to be in the right place at the right time to capture her expression. One of my favorite baking pictures now!)
Happy New Year!