end of the season. end of a season.

Typically, I am a fan of change. For the most part I think change is part of growth and I usually embrace it as such. Nonetheless, sometimes change is hard and bittersweet.

Flag football ended a couple of weeks ago and our Saturdays are free again. I welcome that change, but the end of the season was especially bittersweet this time around.

None of my kids have “A” sport. They’ve all preferred to play different sports on rotation in a community league. One practice a week, one game a weekend (well times 5 kids) – it was always such a perfect fit for our family. We’ve been spending our fall, winter, and spring Saturdays on the same field and league courts since my high schooler was in kindergarten. Years upon years of friendships and memories – for my kids and for me. While the kids played, I spent countless hours on the sidelines with my friends. We’ve grown up as moms on those sidelines as we watched our kids learn games, sportsmanship, and teamwork. We asked each other “what’s the score?” more times than I could ever count – mainly because in the midst of cheering we were catching up on life too.

From the sidelines we watched boys barely able to spell their names grow to be young men who carried all the chairs and coolers for us. We watched toddler girls grow up to buckle their own flags on and make game winning touchdowns – and goodness did we yell!October was the official ending to the league – for good. My oldest two boys played in the final final game of the season. It was sad and exciting as the clock ran down, a victory was clinched, and a league ended. All three boys won their championship games – a bittersweet ending to a cherished season in our family.

We aren’t sure what is next, but I know though change is hard there is always something to look forward to around the corner.


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