Plan A. Plan B. Plan C. {family pics}
I bought a mirror to hang over our new fireplace. Once it was hanging, all you could see was the reflection of the ceiling. It just didn’t work for the space.
Plan B.
Since we needed a new family picture, I figured that would be a good place to hang one. However, I don’t like fall colors and did not want a big canvas of our family in shades of brown. Bright colors, preferably some pink, were my top choice. I remembered Amanda gave me a couple pink smoke sticks a few years ago and had visions of hot pink smoke filling the sky with my family somewhere in the mix.
In a last minute decision, I grabbed the smoke sticks and told the kids to change out of their gym clothes before we headed to my sister’s land for my nephew’s birthday.
I handed my sister the camera and hoped the smoke sticks worked…they did! You can tell I was a little excited and shocked 🙂
Only problem – we didn’t really have a plan and smoke doesn’t last long. It was chaos. We should have stood in front of the smoke…
I like the three of us on the right in this one…
I like the middle two boys in this one…
I like Chris and our eldest daughter in this one…
I need better Photoshop skills, so I could try to combine those three shots!
“Everyone try to get in front of smoke!” ~meCorbett is cracking me up here. The pink smoke is fading out…
I feel like this should be our Christmas card. I’ll write, “Merry Christmas! If you want to see our faces, stop by our place!”
We jumped forward and did get this one, but all the bright pink is gone. I’m going to try it again in the spring, when we can wear spring clothes and there are bright green leaves on the trees.
I called it quits and then decided we should try for a close-up. I forgot to change the aperture on my camera before I handed it to my sister. I had it set on f/2.8, which does not work for a layered group of people this close. If you look closely, you can tell Chris and Corbett are out of focus.
~ You can learn more about aperture in the SnapShop Online DSLR course ~
My sister is a trooper for attempting to capture what was in my head. My family, well, none of them saw my vision for pink smoke over the fireplace, but they went with it anyway. Sometimes my ideas work. Sometimes they don’t.
Plan C: Buy more smoke bombs, hibernate all winter, attempt a family shot again in the spring.