a little cold, but worth it

It feels like it has been an incredibly long time since we went camping. We’ve been spending nearly every evening and weekend working on the house. It is hard for me to get away because I want the house finished, so time away delays the ending of construction. However, I knew we all needed a break. The only way we would truly take a break from construction was to pack up the trailer and get away. So, we did…for two nights at least.

We did load up the bad flooring boards to use as firewood. The boys were unanimous in their opinion that burning the boards was more fun than installing them as flooring!A really cute boy (he loves when I post that stuff online šŸ˜‰ ) and Chris’ camping cobbler.Ā We make cobbler whenever we camp. It is SUPER HEALTHY. If you believe me, stop reading now. For the rest of us…it consists of pie filling on the bottom, half a box of white cake mix, and slices of butter covering the cake mix. I accidentally grabbed a can of tomatoes instead of pie filling, but we had fresh berries. We used the fresh berries this time and added some sugar to make a syrup when melted. It was super good. Super not healthy.Working towards replacing not-awesome products with more natural ones – camping is a good place to experiment (I use the app Think Dirty – Shop Clean on a lot of our products to determine toxicity). My kids never have matching socks. Never.Coffee and a new book. I always have great intentions of reading a lot when we go camping. The environment is perfect for it. The reality is my kids ask me to go hike by the water or play Bananagrams or do something else with them…so I rarely get as far into a book as I’d hope. I’m a reader that doesn’t read. Is that a thing? Maybe for now it is. That being said – I only got a few chapters in to Shannan’s new book and I can’t wait to finish it!
To top it all off – a new family picture…that totally reflects us (and our comfort levels when the temperature drops below 70)!

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International Day of the Girl

October 11, 2018

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a little bit at a time until it is done

October 18, 2018