moving along even with setbacks
Well, based on the lack of recent posts you can tell school is back in session and the house stuff is still in full swing. There are so many things I want to write about here – for my own records, but we are crawling in bed close to midnight every night.
I don’t have much to say other than we are still doing what we’ve been doing – school, work, and remodeling. The piles and mess are definitely taking a toll on us, but we are learning to be grateful for the mess knowing it is a privilege to have.
Online it looks like we are making progress so fast, but it sure feels different when you are living in the sawdust and miss your dishwasher. Nonetheless, it is good for me to look back at progress pictures and remind myself just how far we have come. I tend to focus on how far we have left to go and that can get discouraging fast!
So…a few updated pictures of where we are now…
Added bonus – the boys have covered studs with their own messages. There is even a full rap dedicated to me and my desire to instill strong work ethics in my boys – thank you Corbett. It deserves a post of its own!
The past 3 weeks have been pretty much focused on the floors. The boys helped lay all the flooring upstairs and downstairs. There is a little bit left in the attic, but other than that the floors are laid. I’m super proud of my boys for the amazing job they did laying the floors!
Chris and I have logged more hours than I can count on the sanding and staining (full days and a couple near all-nighters)….only to realize there were some issues early on and all our sanding/staining has to be redone. Lots of tears were shed, but it is what it is and now we are moving on. We will be having someone else come finish out the sanding and staining, which stings the budget but it is all part of construction.
We are mid-week and feeling very much like the photo below. Forced awkward semi-smile knowing despite some really hard things this will all end up being so, so good.
And…all those hours on my knees sanding and staining the floors meant lots of time praying for all the feet that will walk on them in the years and decades ahead. If you come visit me, be sure to compliment the floors đ