always making me smile
The middle child….only he doesn’t have the ‘typical’ middle child characteristics. He is smack dab in the center of the kids in our crew and can turn a very gray day sunny to me. Things are a bit stressful (understatement of the year) here. From this point out it is pretty much just me, my dad, and Chris finishing up all the renovation stuff. Our to-do list is overwhelming with home, homeschool, work, and SnapShop, but my middle son – he keeps me laughing.
Chris and I have lived in two houses since we’ve had kids. Both times we have had the most incredible neighbors. I’m not sure how it happens, but I’m so grateful. Anyway…our neighbors brought home a balloon arch from a wedding shower knowing the crew of our combined kids could put it to good use.
I took a ton of photos, but it is these that make me laugh the most. In the moment I didn’t realize all my son was doing in the shots. I was just chasing kids and snapping photos. It was only after I was looking at them on the computer that I was able to take in the goodness of him…
Meanwhile…the girls posed sweetly…
Well, it is back to trying to wrangle kids into a school routine and attempting to get our floors finished. I have so many splinters in my hands!