cheering on a friend
Every now and then I have the opportunity to sit back and watch a friend do their thing – and shine. Over the weekend my friend Ruth (of Gracelaced) spoke at the BGCO Women’s Retreat. I was Ruth’s hostess for the weekend. Basically this meant instead of someone sweet and gentle, she got a friend with sass that doesn’t mind giving her a hard time by her side all weekend!
She did pay me back by coercing me into doing a live video on Instagram…where we did push-ups, lunges, planks, and hollow rocks. At one point I poked her in the rear and told her to squeeze. Immediately, I thought, “I JUST poked Ruth’s rear in a live video!” Needless to say, I don’t think I’ll be doing live videos again anytime soon!
One perk of being her hostess included getting to drive her around in a golf cart. I am thankful I didn’t hit anyone – there was genuine fear that I might. I did, however, drench her skirt by hitting a puddle before she went on to speak to 3,500 women. On stage she made a joke about having an ombre skirt. Sorry about that Ruth! She might have regretted having me as a hostess at that point, but she was stuck with me. I was her ride back to the airport.
On a serious note, I was relishing my role. At one point I was driving the golf cart in the pouring rain by myself – one hand holding an umbrella and one hand on the steering wheel with completely drenched jeans. Ruth was doing a book signing. As I avoided puddles I thought about how there was nothing I’d rather be doing that weekend than serving a friend and watching her shine. The stage isn’t for me. Book signings and conventions and spotlights – not places I want to be. Golf carts and behind my camera – count me in.
The beauty of humanity is we are all created so wonderfully different. The beauty of friendship is we get to rub shoulders, be influenced by, and grow alongside those with different giftings than our own. We have the chance everyday to see the glory in those surrounding us and celebrate our differences….and not just celebrate, but cheer each other on. Hey girl – do your thing. Do your thing!
Life with others is so good!
I am grateful for the chance to stand from afar and watch my friend do her thing. My view was my favorite!
You should definitely take time to check out Ruth in the following places đ
Website | Instagram | Gracelaced (book) | Garden of Truth (book)