making room for more {Article}

*This post is in partnership with Article.

This is a tale of a living room corner, a house with 5 kids, and a mom that finally found seating that that can hold up in a house full of life.

I don’t remember what we had in this corner when we first moved in, but a few years later it was a big, round chair.

Yes, the chair was awesome. It was also bulky for the small space and that button in the middle did not survive my kids. The sides of the chair also did not survive the kitten we rescued. After too much rough and tumble at my house, it got new upholstery and is now a favorite chair at my parent’s (where it was originally when I was growing up!).

From the round chair, we tried something else. I can’t remember what. I change things too much!

Eventually we hung a hammock in the corner. You guys remember my green hammock…it was beautiful and green and fringy. It was not, however, made for life with kids in a high traffic area. Within months we had to cut off all the fringe because it got gnarly and ragged.

Once the pretty fringe was gone, I decided I would try bleaching it. I turned it a pale green, but that bleach soak also broke down the remains trim. Eventually the trim shredded and it got cut off.

Then it was just sad. Ultimately, we needed to take it down and were hoping to find something that would hold more than one person and could hold up to our big crew (and constant flow of guests).

And I found it……our new Article sofa!

I picked the 72″ Sven Charme Tan Sofa. It is the perfect size for our room and easily fits 3 of us. It is incredibly comfortable, durable, and so pretty!

We’ve always had furniture with slip covers – lots of toddlers. I was (and am) a bit nervous to have something I can’t throw in the washing machine. Living on the edge in the Campbell household now. I’m kidding. 

With the couch my dad built and the Article sofa we can sit numerous people comfortably in our living room now. One afternoon last week there were 13 kids piled in this room. They all had somewhere soft to sit for a movie – it was the cutest sight to see them all piled and next to each other. It made me crazy happy. I stood on the stairs and snapped a bunch of pictures. I know those little bodies are going to grow incredibly fast in the coming years!

I had been eyeing Article furniture for quite a while. We are working on a big house project (more details of that to come soon). In the process of planning that project, I connected with Article. I am thrilled to have a chance to partner with Article and will be posting a full review of our sofa soon. In the review, I would really like to answer any questions you might have about my experience with Article so far. I’ll be totally honest with you in my answers, so please ask anything you would like to regarding the selection process, delivery, and the product. Post your questions below and I will answer them next week.



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poured out and filled up {crafty party}

March 20, 2018

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I decided not to hold on

March 30, 2018