I’d rather talk about Owen
We were walking to our apartment earlier this week and she turned to me.
“Mom, do you think you could take some photos of me and Owen before we leave. I want to hang one in my room and send one back to him.”
She’s too young to be around the little ones at New Day, so she spends time with the children of New Day staff and the kids who live in foster families (instead of in the foster home). Owen came to New Day last summer and lives with a New Day foster family. He was born with Thalassemia and requires monthly blood transfusions. When he finishes up school, you can find one of my kids chasing him or being chased by him through the New Day yard.
This particular daughter of mine has become quite fond of her new friend…actually, we all have.He kept holding the teeter-totter down, so she would be stuck in the air. Then she’d return the favor.
These two are finishing up their last couple of days playing together. Kind of like friends who meet at summer camp, they’ve forged a special friendship over a short few months. After her dad fixed a broken espresso machine two months ago, she started a coffee shop on campus “New Day Coffee” and has been teaching Owen the ropes of being a barista. They’ve had a few training meetings and a business meeting with the investors and owners of the business (New Day leadership). When she first started the business, we told her she needed a succession plan. Owen is pretty excited to take over the reigns.
We’ll go home, print pictures, and send a package to Owen. We’ll hang his photo on her wall and we won’t stop praying for the family that will have the honor of calling him their son.
Owen is 10 years old. He is thriving and is so loved in his foster family, but he is waiting for his forever family. Currently, his monthly blood transfusions are covered through May 2018, but if you are interested in sponsoring him to help cover the expenses of his daily needs – please visit the New Day website. If you are interested in more information about adoption, please contact New Day.
Lastly – yep, big blog update just went live. I’ve worked hard on the update the last couple weeks and I hope you like it. I know change is hard for many people, but I was ready for something new. I still have a few things to tweak and improve, but who knows how long that will take me! I hear you are supposed to make a big deal about blog and website updates and I thought about writing a post with a fun announcement, but right now I’m preparing to leave a place and people I’ve grown to love. At the end of the day, this is just a blog with a few things rearranged. I’d rather talk about Owen 😉