Explore AZ {Antelope Canyon & Horseshoe Bend}
We are still on the road and the internet is spotty. I’m posting pictures along the way on Instagram, but I want dedicated posts here…so many pictures and things I want to remember!
From the Grand Canyon we headed north towards Page. Page, I’ve learned, is known for 3 main stops: Antelope Canyon, Horseshoe Bend and Lake Powell. Prior to planning our trip I had heard of Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend. Lake Powell was new to us and we WANT SO BADLY to get out on that lake. Take a minute and Google it. I need a houseboat on that lake STAT.
On the way to Page, we pulled over at the Little Colorado. We thought is was a free side stop, but it is run by the Navajo and there is a suggested donation to stop. The kids liked looking at the outdoor market the most, despite it being fairly empty due to off season.
Once we made it to Page, we headed to Horseshoe Bend to catch the sunset. There is a parking lot right off the main road and then a hike to a ridge and back down a bit.
In the picture below, you can see the main road and the parking lot.
You can see Horseshoe Bend in the distance….
I started scoping out where I wanted to capture the sunrise the next morning.
It was spectacular. I was a bit worried it might not live up to all the hype, but it did. So, beautiful and definitely worth your stop if you are in the area.
The next morning it was supposed to be cloudy and rainy, so I cancelled our sunrise trip back. It ended up being sunny and I totally regretted that decision! We did head to Antelope Canyon. If you are looking for a canyon in the middle of nowhere without crowds…this is not that canyon. It was, however, unlike anything we have ever visited. I’m not a fan of crowds, so I tried not to let that take away from our adventure.
See that little slot? That is the canyon you head down into…
And our guide snapped a photo of us popping out. It makes me laugh.
So, if you are thinking that canyon did not look crowded….may I present to you the side of photography I avoid:
I’m working on a SnapShop lesson regarding how to avoid other people in your pictures when you are at crowded places. I’ve had several opportunities to work on that content at a few of our stops!
So, my thoughts on Horseshoe Bend and Antelope Canyon:
Overall, we had an incredible time in Page and would recommend both stops if you are traveling thru the area. They both are uniquely beautiful and famous for good reason. Though Antelope Canyon itself was spectacular – the massive amounts of people put a big hamper on it for me. If you are looking for a slot canyon with easy access and pretty easy hiking, it would be a great fit. The guides even tell you what iPhone filter to use and where to put your camera for the best shots (this did drive me a little crazy). If you are looking for an adventure – climbing, hiking, crawling, a bit strenuous – this is not the canyon for you. Later in the trip we headed to Escalante….and I found my adventure slot canyons there!