deep breath in and slow exhale
For decades it was my sister and I gathered at Grandma’s table making the rolls for holiday meals. Now it is me and my kids. I wasn’t paying attention when Chris grabbed my camera and began capturing us working to fill the pans. I am so thankful he took these. You know those people that can hide what they are thinking? I am not one of them.
The tables got a fresh coat of white paint. The apple trees were trimmed (not at the correct time, but I’m good with that).
My mom. My nephew. My grandpa (my mom’s dad). My nephew’s first Easter.
Family and friends gathered around our tables. There was more food than we could eat. More people than tables. More kids than adults. Of all the holidays I could host a big meal – Easter is my favorite. The sun is usually shining. Outside all things are blooming. Everything feels lovely, fresh, vibrant and sweet. Easter to me feels like a taking a deep breath in and slowly exhaling…a beautiful pause savoring the sweetness of the moment and overwhelming hope of a risen Savior.