donuts & wet cement
Almost every Friday morning you can find my grandparents, my parents and my crew piled into three benches at the local donut shop. Homeschooling has it challenges – no doubt. It sure has it perks, too. Weekly donut dates with my grandparents is definitely one of my favorite perks. I have snapped a few pictures over the years with my phone, but last Friday I remembered to bring my DSLR.
My grandparents arrive long before the rest of us. They usually enjoy their daily coffee, the newspaper and visiting with friends while the rest of world is just waking up. I tend to arrive next….sweaty and coming straight from Crossfit. I’ve never been extreme about anything, so it makes perfect sense to eat a donut after working out. My parents tend to roll in next and we all sit around waiting for the kids to arrive.
He helped her with some tips for opening her chocolate milk.
She’s been asking for a ‘little red hammer’. She tells me she is going to build a house in our backyard and she is going to need a little red hammer and EVERYONE’s help. My grandpa found one of his old hammers and painted it red for her. I think he is just a bit smitten with his great granddaughters.
There are so many things I love about grandparents and great grandparents. One that stands out is how undivided their attention is for me and my kids. I step back and watch my kids interact with them and it is obvious why grandparents make kids feel so special. They aren’t distracted with to-do lists, checking their phones or really anything else – they give their attention wholly to those they are with…my kids. I’ve learned so much from my parents and grandparents. I learn a little more every Friday morning,
“A life can be launched with as little as a single phrase, an uplifting word, or an act of kindness.
The spirit of a little child is a lot like wet cement.
When a child is young, it takes little effort to make an impression that can last a lifetime. ”
~ Wess Stafford, Too Small to Ignore
Donuts and wet cement…who knew they went so well together?
(my donut tank is from Thug Life Shirts you can use the code UNDERTHESYCAMORE for 15% off)