so much life happening
Your house always seems so calm.
People say this. To me. People that know me and come to my house. People that I don’t think are under the influence of anything, but I kind of wonder. And I scratch my head questioning if we could possibly be standing in the same room.
My house feels calm when kids go to bed and the beagle is asleep. Otherwise, something or someone is constantly zooming past my head. There are days I feel like I need to buy a hard hat and spray paint it a pretty shade of green. At any given moment, something is being spilled, someone is inside, someone is outside and someone else is looking for someone missing (hiding). My friend’s boys stayed the night at our house this weekend. When she came to pick them up, one of my boys was outside with matches and foil. Science. Or something like that he said. Don’t worry…he is trained in how to use matches. Nonetheless, my point is my house is not calm.
Since we had a few extra kids for a night, we pulled the trailer mattresses inside for extra beds. The kids brought them down to the living room to return to the trailer. Mattresses on the floor in the living room don’t get left alone. I was trying to work on SnapShops. I told them I was going to take the mattresses outside and they strongly objected. I gave in…and then got my camera. If you can’t beat them, join them.
Also, the bandaid phase is still going strong.
She is learning to make all kinds of new sounds. Some of those she has to close her nose to make (a whole different post on cleft speech issues for that)…anyway, she laughs so hard at some noises. It tickles her to try to make them.
I put my camera back up and returned to my computer to work. There is a reason most people that work from home have home offices.
My house is so very not calm.
I’m okay with it. I am sure letting my kids jump on mattresses and create Ninja Warrior training courses does not help any. I relish calm, quiet and order. It makes me giddy just thinking about sitting in my kitchen, alone, and all projects completed. One day I probably will sit alone in my kitchen with projects completed. And – I’ll probably enjoy it. Then, I’ll find my phone and go call a kid and we’ll laugh about all the years of ninja warrior training and mattress diving.
I heard once (can’t remember from who!) that one day we’ll tell stories about this time of our lives…what kind of stories do we want to tell?
I want to tell stories of life busting the seams of our house. Stories of paint brush obstacle courses and projects that took too long because so much life was happening.
Disclaimer: The paint roller was being rolled OFF the mattress. Rolled off when jumping took place…don’t want to stress anyone out about that 🙂
The winner of the Totally Rad giveaway is Amy (ajgr…). Amy, you should have an email from me!