listening to their ideas {photo tip}
Nose Stuck In A Book.
While at the lake, my oldest told me he had an idea for a picture. I pretty much always listen to my kids’ picture ideas. I often get asked how my kids feel about my camera and always being the subject of my photos. For the most part, they really don’t even notice anymore. One way I try to encourage their ‘okay-ness’ with my camera is by encouraging their ideas for photos. I also let them use my camera (my involvement depends on the age of the kid asking to use it).
My oldest had an idea. I stopped what I was doing, grabbed my camera and followed him. He had a plastic bag with a book and cookies inside it. I was already smiling.
Up a tree with a book. The most perfect picture of him.
When he came down, he smiled and told me I could post the pictures to my blog if I wanted to đ