#rough_housing {The Parker’s Main Street Home}
My friends Nick & Jaime Parker are ridiculously creative and talented with their hands. They also can’t stay in a house very long – so I kid them. Home renovations are their thing – where their talents and creativity shine. Like Chris and I, they have 5 kids. However, projects that take Chris and I six months to finish they can finish in six hours. I seriously cannot figure out how they start and finish so many projects. It is mind boggling.
They recently purchased a new-to-them old home and will begin renovations soon. Their current home was built in 1908 and they completely restored it. The home is full of so much character. It is one of those places you feel at home and in awe at the same time. Before they pack up and move, I asked if I could stop by and do a little photo tour of their home on my blog. I knew you guys would enjoy it as much as I do.
So…here you go The Parker Family Main Street Home.
The kitchen is my favorite room in their house. For those curious…they found the sink on Craigslist.
There are so many beautifully designed homes out there, but not a lot that are family friendly when you have rough and tumble kids. I love that their house is beautiful, but it is also lived in – welcoming and warm. It is a good place to visit. As I right this, I’m thinking Jaime I need to stop by for coffee!
Okay…so I know there are probably a million…What color of paint is that? Where is the kitchen sink from? Where can I buy ______?
The answer is: I don’t know.
Here is a link to a few posts about the restoration: http://blog.bornagainrestored.com/category/main-street-house/
I’ll try to convince Nick and Jaime to stop by here and answer some of your questions this week.
If you would like to follow the restoration/remodel of their new home or just follow their creativity in general, here are some links:
Blog: http://blog.bornagainrestored.com
Website: http://www.bornagainrestored.com
Instagram: @bornagainrestored @ba_restored #rough_housing #2015RedHouseReno