capture the flag
It is a sad day when you play Capture the Flag with your boys and your oldest tags you as you are trying to bolt with the flag. The teams got uneven, so I opted to take a few pictures. Really, I was just winded and feeling defeated that my 10 year can run faster than me. When did he get so fast? Or when did I get so slow? I clearly need to start running more if I want a chance of even remotely keeping up with these growing boys. I want to cheer them on from the sidelines and play along beside them too, but I also don’t particularly like running. Maybe I’ll invest in weighted vests and try to convince them to wear those when we play.
ISO 100, 1/800, f/2.8 200mm
ISO 100, 1/800, f/2.8 200mm
ISO 100, 1/1600, f/2.8 200mm
She semi-played. She switched between twirling and being fully engaged in the game. When she got tired of running, she just watched and told the boys they were doing a good job.
ISO 100, 1/1600, f/2.8 90mm ~ ISO 100, 1/1600, f/2.8 80mmISO 100, 1/800, f/2.8 200mm
ISO 100, 1/800, f/2.8 200mm
ISO 100, 1/1250, f/2.8 200mm
ISO 100, 1/800, f/2.8 200mm
ISO 100, 1/500, f/2.8 200mm
ISO 100, 1/800, f/2.8 200mm
Registration for the next SnapShops began this week. You can click here for more information on the courses and to register. I am planning on doing a summer course and possibly one more in the fall. Those dates have not be set at this time.
Upcoming Course Dates
Phone Course: April 13th, 2015 – May 2nd, 2015
DSLR Course: April 13th, 2015 – May 9th, 2015