decorating with photos
Nearly two years have past since I updated the photos I display around the house. I order prints for the kids and do our family books regularly, but I have just not gotten around to updating what hangs on the wall. I got my act together and a big box arrived from I started with our photo wall in the living room.
I’ve been debating what I was going to do on this wall. I reached the ceiling two years ago. I figured I could stop, do something different or just keep going. This is my favorite wall in the house. The bottom row starts with a picture of an ultrasound when I was pregnant with our firstborn. Each year I add about 30 pictures to the wall. I reached the top of the wall with the pictures from 2012. I love being able to see the last nine years of our family at one glance. In an instant, I am reminded how quickly time passes, how babies grow into toddlers and how toddlers become kids. The constant reminders that wall provides helps me keep the perspective that my days are numbered, and I want to live in the fullness of my days. I also treasure being able to look up and see so many memories of my family. The photos are just everyday shots that may not stand out to others, but to me they recount the beauty of days past.
I ordered 4×4 prints from Mpix. I also used the Totally Rad action “Grandma’s Tap Shoes” reduced to about 60% to give them all a similar feel in color. I had to trim the ones close to the ceiling. Then I hot glue them to the wall. I figure by the time I take them all down I’ll need or want to repaint anyway.So the wall looks a little unfinished now. I’m trying to figure out what to do next…maybe some more framed prints/posters on the wall. On the other hand, it reflects the story of our family too – unfinished. Framed posters, probably…either way, it makes me happy.
I also updated the prints on our shelves. I added several mounted prints and a gallery wrap canvas. The mounted prints come with a black or white edge, I choose white. I like them because they can stand on their own – without a frame.
I don’t want all my photos to sit on my hard drive. I know not everyone is a fan of decorating with personal photos, but it sure makes my home feel homey and cozy to us. It is “us” and “us” makes me smile.