white shirts are overrated anyway
Dirt and brothers go hand in hand around here.
The girls like the dirt for a bit…until they decide they are done being dirty and want clean hands.
The boys don’t understand why I would ever make them wash the dirt off.
They can play for hours in a big pile of dirt. I have to hose down their clothes before putting them in the washer, but it is totally worth it. I want them to have childhood memories full of just being brothers, making up games, getting dirty.
ISO 125, 1/400, f/3.2 85mm lens
ISO 100, 1/1000, f/1.8 85mm lens
ISO 160, 1/2500, f/1.8 85mm lens
Notice the girls in dresses in the background…always in dresses, even in the dirt.
ISO 250, 1/4000, f/1.8 85mm lens ~ ISO 160, 1/2500, f/1.8 85mm lensISO 160, 1/1600, f/3.2 85mm lens
ISO 500, 1/640, f/4.5 (not ideal settings, I was shooting fast) 85mm lens
ISO 500, 1/1000, f/4.5 (not ideal settings, I was shooting fast) 85mm lens
His brothers were taking too long to bury his legs.
ISO 500, 1/1000, f/4.5 (not ideal settings, I was shooting fast) 85mm lens
They are so crazy awesome. Sometimes I just sit back and watch them – baffled and in awe. Growing up with a sister, I had no idea how much fun comes with boys. I just can’t imagine life without 3 young guys and 2 little girls. I’m so, so grateful I’m the one they call mom….even after 500 million loads of laundry and never getting to buy them white shirts!
And just for fun….my oldest in our front yard when he was 4. *If you are interested in learning more about how to use your DSLR (what all those camera settings mean), registration is open for the last SnapShop of 2014. Click here for more details.