breakfast with him


I snapped this with my phone yesterday at breakfast.

I want to remember this. Him. Slow breakfasts. Just the two of us left at the table.

Breakfast is usually a come and go around our house. Everyone eats as they get up. I’m usually just getting home from the gym when everyone is beginning to eat. By the time I sit down at the table with my breakfast, it is often just the two of us. He typically has a spoon in one hand and a book in the other. We both like quiet, slow breakfasts. I like to sip my coffee, holding my cup with two hands and looking out the back window. He likes to read. The background noise is full of the sounds of a busy, active household, but our breakfasts still seem quiet together. He’ll finish a chapter or maybe the book, look up to smile at me and I smile back. We both understand those smiles…they say, “it was nice to have breakfast with you, let’s get the day going now.” Sometimes I feel like we can have a whole conversation together at breakfast without actually saying a word. I think for both of us, those are often our favorite conversations. Other family members don’t get it, or even notice it.

We do.

Breakfast. Quiet and still with him. My favorite.

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