home. and our garden grew!

I didn’t want our trip to end, which is surprising because I am such a homebody. I think the biggest difference this time is we kind of took our house with us. Having the trailer felt like home in a lot of ways. We weren’t going in and out of hotels or dealing with the temporary situation of a tent. We arrived home to sunflowers that are more like trees and three of our hens are now very much roosters. Anyone local want a rooster? The ones on the right and left need a new home. I really want to keep the black one, but my 8 year old really wants to keep his…the one in the center.

7.14home-7I planted Mammoth Sunflower seeds about 5 years ago. They grew to be nearly 3 feet tall. Evidently, I should have left for a month and let someone else make sure they got watered. We came home to sunflower trees. They make me giddy every time I look out the window or step outside. I knew we weren’t going to be around to take care of a garden this summer, so I just planted flowers. It was a very good decision.


We also got home just in time for FireCracker to celebrate her 5th birthday with family. Both girls got to blow out candles and be spoiled by grandparents they haven’t seen in a while. Family and friends is what will keep me rooted…though I’m already planning our next RV trip.


Whew…it has been a whirlwind since we walked in the door. And it is only getting whirlier…that is totally a word, right?

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Explore SD {Mount Rushmore}

July 8, 2014

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and I'm off again {Ghana, Africa}

July 10, 2014