everybody jump, jump {trampoline picture tips}

So….some of you will NOT like these pictures. I’m warning you now, if you aren’t a fan of trampolines (and I know many are not), please just look away šŸ™‚





I grew up on my trampoline. From hours of flipping to sleeping on it under the stars to sliding across it with a sprinkler underneath it. So many great childhood memories on that bouncy rectangle. I know there are many of you that probably enjoy time as a family on your trampoline too, so I thought I’d share a little bit about how I capture images on ours.

1. I use a zoom lens (usually my 24-70mm). If I didn’t have a zoom lens, I would use a wide angle lens like a 28mm lens.

2. Fast shutter speed. I use around 1/500 or faster.

3. Lay down on the trampoline. I’ve tried shooting through the net, but I prefer how the shots come out when I am actually on the trampoline. Also, when you get low it adds a little more drama to the shot, making the kids look higher in the air than they actually are.

4. Brace yourself. All that bouncing can make you hit yourself in the face with your camera. Not that I have ever done that.

ISO 250, 1/500, f/4.5


ISO 250, 1/640, f/4.54.14tramp-2

ISO 250, 1/500, f/4.54.14tramp-3

ISO 250, 1/500, f/4.5

4.14tramp-4The kids voted the last shot as their favorite. The sun was coming in and out of the clouds, so I adjusted my shutter speed accordingly. There is a lot of weird cropping going on in these shots, but I can’t help smiling when I see them.Ā  This crew, my crew, sure make me happy (and tired, but mainly happy).

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Hope Spoken {encouragement}

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