10. ten.
I am excited, thrilled about the future. I look forward to the days ahead for my family. I don’t dread the future or wish for the past. However, today my oldest turns 10…so I’m letting myself be a little sad. I LOVE being his mom. The past 10 years with him – so thankful.
10 is hard for this mom.
I didn’t realize how hard it would be for me because I do look forward to the days ahead. I do enjoy the present. But, 10. Wow. In eight years he will be 18 and I just can’t go there right now.
He made me a mom. I wrote him a long letter today – being his mom is one my life’s greatest pleasures.
Ahhh…my baby boy is ten.
It is just happening too fast.
Too, too fast.
Tomorrow will be better, but today I’m happy and sad. I don’t want to keep him small forever, but I kinda do!
He likes to read comments on my blog and instagram. If you feel so inclined, I’d love for him to get a few birthday wishes here. Feel free to tell him how awesome his mom is and how he should always think she is really cool đ
Happy Birthday bud, I love you.