baby teeth smiles

I am a BIG fan of going to the dentist. It is like an hour long retreat to me. I am guaranteed to get to lie down uninterrupted for an hour at least once every six months.  I never miss an appointment. As a result, neither do my kids. There are six of us making regular visits now. We block out two appointments a week for three weeks. They get a lot of Campbell over those three weeks. Anyway, at our most recent round of visits, it was brought to my attention that my youngest son has his first loose tooth.


There are very few things that I miss as my kids grow. I know that might change one day – people always tell me that. But right now, I feel like I enjoyed the past,  the present is pretty great, and there’s lots to look forward to in the future. However, I miss the baby teeth grins when they are replaced with adult teeth. There is just something so sweet and heart melting about the early years smiles.

So when I heard he had a loose tooth – panic set in. Not really. But a little bit. I told him I HAD to get some pictures of his smile before he lost his tooth. He is used to having a crazy mom, so it wasn’t too hard to get him outside in front of my crazy mom camera.

“Mom, don’t you want pictures of my teeth?!” Yes and no…I’m kind of baffled by how old you look. So handsome.


A few pictures in, the neighbors found a dead snake on their driveway – that trumped crazy mom wanting baby teeth pictures.11.12-4

Then he came back.11.12-6

The cowlick. The grin. The eyes. Oh this boy.11.12-711.12-8

I asked if he had any pictures he wanted me to take. He had a lot.11.12-1011.12-22

Funny thing is we didn’t get all that many pictures of his teeth! I know I’ll love his smile just the same when it is missing teeth and when he grows into his adult teeth, but I’m just a goner over ‘baby teeth’ smiles. Goner.

***I shot these with my 85mm lens. My settings were ISO 125, 1/500 and either f/2.0 or f/2.2

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crepe paper ruffles with my daughter

November 11, 2013

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sometimes she likes to share

November 13, 2013