our first dozen to give

We are getting eggs! Our 6 original hens are all laying eggs. We have a bunch more that will be laying eggs over the next few months. When we first built the coop, we read in several books you should have 2 egg laying hens for every 1 egg eating person in your family. That would be fourteen hens (once Little One starts eating). We built the coop to hold around 20 hens, though we don’t have that many. One reason I really wanted a big coop and lots of chickens – well, the main reason – was to be able to give eggs away.

I have a couple friends that have given us fresh eggs over the last year and it is such a fun surprise. I just love the idea of sending friends home with a dozen eggs. There are so many days I want to be a more thoughtful daughter, sister, and friend, but I just get overwhelmed with daily tasks of kids, school and work. There is little left over to try to make things for friends and family. At least, that is how I feel most days. BUT…gathering eggs and giving the surplus away…I can do that! We have no aspirations of being real ‘farmers’, but I do aspire to give abundantly. We’re starting with eggs.

The kids have been eating the eggs faster than I can save any right now, so I put them on hold and told them we were saving up to give our first dozen away. My dad was the obvious choice since he built the coop! I’ll be paying him back in eggs for a very long time!

Just a note to say the blue/green eggs are normal…that is just the shell color our Amerucanas lay. So fun!

Thanks Dad!

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a bunch of goofballs

August 28, 2013

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Keeping mom sane & kids responsible

August 30, 2013