left my charger in Texas

When we left the hospital after Little One’s palate repair, I left my camera charger and back up battery plugged in the wall. Of course, the battery in the camera died the day we made it home. When you combine no dslr battery and the fact I was writing my phone photography course, you end up with a lot of phone pictures. My dslr is about to die on me. It is 5 years old and I’ve really used the life out of it. I need to upgrade, but upgrading is pricey! I did order a new charger and battery, so my dslr is back in action until she dies for good. As much as I enjoy phone photography, I really love my dslr.

All of these were taken with my iPhone 5. Most were shared on Instagram, but not all. Just random shots over the last few weeks of my random life. There is something really fun about seeing a collage of pictures. Seeing so many moments together really makes me stand in awe of how rich my life is. I forget that too often.

The next picture I shared on Instagram last night. This is my third son. He is five, but if you get in a conversation with him you might confuse him to be 25. He thinks in deeper ways. He is precise, focused and determined. He has a very fierce passion for justice, fairness, and equality. Those character traits often lead to frustration and anger in him as a 5 year old guy. It will probably lead to frustration and anger in him as an adult as well. But those character traits are also the ones that can change a world. A fierce and righteous passion for justice can be a powerful force of change. Remembering that as it plays out in a little guy can be hard as a mom, but it can also be so exciting. He is something special. Something beautiful and amazing. And despite this picture, he is my goofball!

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diy {Meg inspired game card bunting}

July 29, 2013

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from my 7 year old's camera

July 31, 2013