cute chicks & a cute chick

Our little flock has been growing out in the backyard. Before anyone worries, we did a lot of research and reading up on chickens…on integrating new birds, on laying span, life span, flock size, breeds, and just about every other subject in my 4 chicken raising books. I’m not one to do things without thinking it through! We’ve alredy added to our flock before and ‘chicken sat’ another flock of 6 for 2 weeks. We are becoming regular ole’ chicken farmers around here šŸ™‚ Anyway, here are some of our new little chicks…

ISO 160, 1/800, f/2.8, 70mm

ISO 125, 1/500, f/2.8, 51mm

ISO 200, 1/500, f/2.8, 70mm ~ ISO 125, 1/640, f/2.8, 70mm

And some of our original flock – who are getting really close to starting to lay eggs!

ISO 320, 1/500, f/13, 30mm (auto mode) ~ ISO 200, 1/400, f/2.8, 70mm

Since the red one was 3 days old, I’ve thought she was a rooster. She is about 16 weeks old, doesn’t crow at all. Her comb and wattle just popped out over the last week. I’ve been studying her saddle feathers…what do you guys think? Rooster? She stands so tall and chest bumps like roosters….

ISO 200, 1/500, f/2.8, 54mm

And totally unrelated to chickens, other than she is a pretty cute chick, FireCracker recently turned four! I was looking at old pictures of her and it brought back so many memories. I love the way a photo can take you back to moments otherwise forgotten. In the picture on the left, she was in the process of getting her finger stuck in that handle bar. She was also waving at random people walking down the street. Both moments I don’t think about, but when I saw that picture it took me back in time.

I know I just said I really like the age 9, but I like 4 too. I have no desire to relive baby days. I loved and relished them when I was there. It is almost impossible for me to believe it has been 4 years since I was last pregnant. I went through a period where it felt like I was always pregnant! I sure enjoyed the newborn and baby phases, but there are new things to enjoy at new ages. She tells people she’s ‘spicy’. I am not sure where she came up with that, but it is kind of true. My sweet and spicy girl is four.

Her cousins and couple friends came over for a little party. She originally wanted all the girls to wear princess dresses and she wanted her brothers to dress like Avengers and chase the girls around the yard yelling. I had to convince her that not all little girls think it is fun to be chased by The Hulk while he is yelling at them. It is hard for her to understand why any girl would not find that fun! We stuck to no chasing….

My mom made her a new twirling dress for her birthday. She wears my green one (that my mom & grandma made me) all the time. So, for her birthday she got to pick out fabric and my mom made her a new one. She has worn it everyday since.

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a boy with a plan

July 12, 2013

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under the water

July 16, 2013