the youngest of my guys is now 5

This guy just turned 5.

I asked him what the best thing about being five is…he responded, “I’m more stronger and more braver.”

Five is a pretty awesome age.

Goodness his smile slays me.

I thought I had birthday candles, but I did not. When I remember, I sit those candles next to each person’s plate at dinner. They are lit when everyone comes to eat. We take turns going around the table sharing something that we are grateful for related to the day. At the end of the meal, everyone gets to blow out their candle…their favorite part. I noticed I didn’t have birthday candles. He could have cared less what kind of candle was in front of his breakfast plate, as long as he got to blow out five.

I tried all day to convince him to let me take some birthday pictures. There was no convincing. I’ve learned not to push my kids related to pictures. If they don’t want to pose for a few pictures, I just wait until they decide they are ready. I’ve learned the more I push them related to being photographed, the more it pushes them away. I try hard to keep their experiences with my camera positive and it usually results in them either not noticing my camera or not caring.

With exception to FireCracker.

She is pretty much always in the mood to pose.

So here she is…on his fifth birthday. I’ll try again to capture him today!

And then she looked over and noticed her ‘power vest’ was not on. Had to get it on…

Happy Thursday!

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it was inevitable {photo session with our chicks}

March 20, 2013

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intervention might be needed

March 22, 2013