Little One’s blanket

I didn’t realize how many pictures of Little One had her blanket in it until you all began leaving comments asking for more details about it. I am not even sure how long ago I bought it…sometime in 2011. It was before we were matched to her, before we knew we would have another daughter. I purchased it thinking it would work for a boy or a girl. I picked it up at a flea market or antique store….it has been so long I can’t remember for sure where I got it.

The quilt is yellow flannel on one side and quilted vintage fabrics on the other side. It is light weight but warm too. I was going back through pictures from the last month and was surprised how many had the quilt in it. I had hoped it would become her blanket. It didn’t take long for it to become her preference to have it near when she is tired. She holds it in her hand while she bites her thumb to go to sleep. Melt my heart.

The first time Little One was wrapped in it was her first night with us in China, when her daddy rocked her in his arms for the first time.

It was close by each day in China.

She was wrapped in it as we took a train out of China and into Hong Kong…and on the plane as she flew to her new home.

She’s snuggled with it to sleep each and every night since.

And it has been close by as we curl up on the front porch to welcome fall.

It is close by when hanging out with her boys.

And it is on hand when she just wants to be in my lap.

It didn’t take her long to get the “what is my mom doing?” face mastered.

It brings me tremendous joy to see how much she likes the blanket I picked up so long ago. For months and months I’d walk past it in the house and think about her…longing to wrap her up in it and hold her close. Goodness it has been such a good month! We’ve already gotten to make a lot of sweet memories together – many with her blanket. My mom saved my baby blanket. All my kids have had favorite blankets, but Little One’s is the only one to make a round trip across the globe.

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October 5, 2012