Tulsa Color Run {2012}
Like I mentioned Friday…I got to take part in The Color Run this weekend. We signed up with some friends and a week before the run, one friend had to cancel. So, our oldest got to join us. It was so much fun. This was supposed to count as my 5K run for the month, but we ended up not running all of it – we got too caught up in our own little paint party when my oldest wanted to slow down a bit.
This post has pictures from my iphone, Chris’ iphone (both with protective covers) and my friend’s Tough camera. You’ll be able to see that they all look a bit different. The ones from my friend’s Tough camera are the clearest.
The Color Run is a 5k where you get covered in a paint like powder around every 1k….now you could actually do the run and not get too much color on you. However, if you run with my family – we go all out.
The one requirement for the run is you must wear a white shirt. There were tons of girls in tutus. My son told me he was thankful all I wore were crazy socks. What? You are way to young to be getting embarrassed by your mom! While we were waiting before the race began, they were blowing up this ‘hamster ball’. They let my oldest be the first to try it out. I was secretly quite jealous.
I started running in February. I began as an outlet while we wait to bring our daughter home – something productive verses drowning myself in Oreos and milk. I’ve had a little pink ribbon tied to my shoe. As I put on my running shoes before this race I began to think of what a gift she has already given me regarding running.
6 months ago, I would never have signed up to run a 5K with my oldest. I would have watched others run this race, but thought to myself I could never do it. Though we didn’t run the whole race, we took part in it – together. I am so grateful for the gift of running. Not because I like to run (because I don’t), but because when my boys want to run in a race I can say “yes” now. I can do it with them and share that experience.
He wore googles and a bandana in the ‘color zones’.
Over 10,000 people participated. There were heats of 1000. We were in the last heat. I actually recommend the last heat. By the time we made it to the “color zones” they weren’t concerned about running out…we got to just go crazy in it. My son laid down and rolled in it!
This was the first color zone we saw, but it was on the other side of the course. So it ended up being the last one we ran through.
We hit the blue color zone and my both my boys decided to grab handfuls (off the ground – we were towards the end so there was a lot) and throw it at me.
Me, in the midst of getting hit by my son’s handful. They did give me warning to close my mouth. They say the powder is 100% natural and safe, but we sure tried not to ingest it!
We started the race with friends, but they went on ahead while we ran with our son. We met up at the end.
After we met up with our friends, we headed over for a big group color throw. They do these about every 15 minutes…so cool. This is waiting for it to begin.
My sweet husband threw his color at me instead of in the air. It was without warning, so I got to experience blue and yellow teeth. However, I guess I should thank him because I do look pretty cool.
See the guy behind me in the last picture? He is also in the very first picture. I think he was photobombing me because he loves my blog and has always wanted to be featured. Lars…you’ve been blogged…no more photobombing my pictures đ