March daily pics


I’m an aunt again!!! My little sister gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl over the weekend. I’ll share some more pics after she does on her blog. I love her. FireCracker loves her. We are so thankful for a healthy new life in our family. My heart is so full.

Surprisingly enough, I have kept up with remembering to snap a daily Instagram pic with my phone. I’m ‘underthesycamore’ on Instagram. It has been fun at the end of each month to go back and look at all the little gifts that made up my month. Sometimes I snap a photo of a ‘big’ moment, but usually it is just the small stuff that makes life great.

 Here is March’s round-up:

A white washcloth for my baby girl * Beaver Dam Party * Lego full Saturdays * The simple life * Mommy’s after school snack * pictures of her baby sister * white paint * coffee dates * Daddy’s girl * Creepy Wonder Woman * I can be with him when he doesn’t feel well * thankful sickness will pass * Star Wars Guess Who with my boy * impromptu trip to the zoo * Home entertainment * they think manual labor is the best way to start spring break * Moving out my stuff so her sister can move in * Lazy Sunday afternoon * no shirts means less laundry * Birthday breakfast at the donut shop * every form, every consult, every email I am one step closer to being with my daughter * Hugging her sister’s picture * My happy place * Pretending to be her aunt * Waiting for their pappy to take them fishing * View from our play tent * the love of music they share * Great grandma’s popcorn popper * The gift of him * a thoughtful friend and my little Song * our trampoline has nets

We took the kids to the US Elite Trampoline and Tumbling Challenge. The boys decided the gymnasts were “way more awesome than jedis”. I think the last time I had been to that convention center was when I was competing as a gymnast. I’m only worried about two people in my family attempting anything we saw…me and my 5 year old. It kind of made me miss be 14….

She was more interested in chewing on her shoelace than the gymnastics.

Happy Monday!

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raising a post-it note fan

March 30, 2012

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laughing in a pile of balloons

April 3, 2012