first dirt of the new year

The backhoe moved in, he pulled up a chair, grabbed the latest Lego catalog and had himself a perfect afternoon.


New plumbing…doesn’t that sound like fun? However, the ditch and all the dirt were a big hit. It has been too long since we’ve had a good pile of dirt around here. Don’t worry…it was ‘clean’ water.





I introduced her to a balance beam over a ditch. She’s like her mommy…likes the adventure of a risk.


Dear grandparents, the ditch was only a few feet inches wide, I held her hand as she crossed, you can stop worrying.

….unless you remember me as a little girl. 

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the doll version of my family {Passive Juice Motel}

March 16, 2012

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you might be a redneck if...

March 20, 2012